Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday 20th November

Another humdrum day.

Scratching around for a challenge bet.

Fakenham 2:00
Kanokop – should have little trouble placing. The only caveat is the presence of a Barney Curley runner and for all his charitable work he still seems to me to be a charmless, incoherent, cheating bag of shite, and someone with no place in racing if it really wants to survive as a sport far into this century. No doubt he'll prevent us from sticking over the £700 mark!

£500 challenge
Kanokop £15 place at 1.35+


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Say it the way you see it Gary.

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    When your on a roll even tossers like him cant stop ya...Jonah
