Monday, December 01, 2008

Monday 1st December

Barking Bets” (Banked £1275/Current bank £3247)

Doesn't look to be anything today. A day off.

£500 Challenge Bet” (£814- 6 bets inplay – accounted)

No bet today. Shutting up shop for a while, unless a damned fine bet wanders by.

The overall returns on this fund are still 104%. But the fund is down from a high of £1235 and I need to take stock. I'll be concentrating on the barking bets for the time being. I'll still put up thoughts on here each day though.

Snippet of the day”
What's the name of the river running through Bristol?”


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

    ark at ee .... fancy not knowing that ... makes i laaff ... pick ee out the stingerz .. proper job.. avva good un toots..
