Tuesday, April 04, 2006

US Masters Golf

Don't forget to check out www.escorialracing.co.uk for my free thoughts and prices for Aintree from Thursday onwards. Garvivonian was all the rage in the betting for the Grand National today, and those who took the prices advised earlier on all three Irish horses are already in a great position.

This week's Masters does have me a little worried about the course. People have been saying only ten people can win ( I think Tiger's quoted as saying 6), due to the lengthening of the course. The thing is, I'm sure I read pretty much the same stuff last year, and short-hitters still managed to do well.

Oh well, here's four bets that should provide some sustained interest anyway.

David Howell outright 1pt ew at 80/1

Di Marco outright 1pt ew at 50/1

KJ Choi - betting without the Big 5 - 1pt ew at 50/1 (quarter 12345)

Rod Pampling - top Australasian - 1pt ew at 12/1 (fifth 123)

I will update via comments in-play if it all goes unsurprisingly tits-up.

1 comment:

  1. Pampling manages to tie for top Australian. That was a real bookie's rick, and got us out of the tournament intact.
