Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Golf - Madeira and TPC

Darren Clarke kept us alive last week.

Madeira Open:
Ferrie 1pt ew at 40/1
O. Wilson half point ew at 66/1
Derksen half point ew at 28/1

Singh 1pt win at 16/1
Donald 1pt ew at 22/1
Zach Johnson half point ew at 80/1
Stenson half point ew at 100/1
Verplank 1pt place at 8/1

1 comment:

  1. Phew - would never have picked Ames. Stenson got the place money so we just about broke even. Struggling at the moment with the golf though. I recently stripped the golf out of my sports fund and started a specific fund for it, and I haven't as yet made the transition from basic 'three off the tee' betting to a more tournament-long approach.
