Thursday, November 30, 2006

November - Summary of blog to date

Let's get this out of the way now, as there's decent racing to concentrate on Friday and Saturday.

Racing (all)
Points out: 475
Points in: 541
% returns: 114%
(Racing is the core business but has only recently been on here as it used to be on - still is, but subscription only. As such the points should begin to build up significantly compared to last year.)

Football (all)
Points out: 1273
Points in: 1372
% returns: 108%
(Football season 2006/7. I have managed to corrupt my data for the blog on this one. Instead of ploughing back through the results, this is all the football betting to date. My own real bets for this season are virtually identical to the ones posted here, so my current percentage returns of 126% will apply here to within a couple per cent - a figure almost certainly unsustainable.)

Points out: 351
Points in: 298
% returns 83%
(We're beginning to get somewhere here. My co-investor and I busted our first bank. However our secodn bank has been growing way beyond our dreams. In fact it may even wipe out the losses of the first bank soon!).

Points out: 74
Points in: 270
% returns: 297%

Points Out: 2202
Points In: 2425
% returns: 111%
(Regulars will know that my target is to grind out my 10% profit on a fairly conservative staking strategy. So after a tough few months all is good, and personally my big horse racing treble a month ago - unmeasured here - makes it even better.)

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