Saturday, September 05, 2009

Saturday 5th September

“Part-Time Fund” (£9360 – 500 inplay)

Weekend football not exactly started with a bang...

Today I'll add Pullein's bet – Walsall £100 at Evens (+0.75 Asians)

and actually have a flat bet (as said I will be continuing with group racing) – about the only decent win I've had on the flat this season came from this horse, so I can't say I've studied the form and priced the race up.

Finjaan £100 at 11/2

and a treble Finjaan/Kirkless/Rock N Roll Kid, and chuck a couple of quid at the scoop 6.


  1. 0-6 for the football draws - cracking start to part-time life!!

    No bet Sunday.

  2. I backed the Walsall bet. That turned out nicely. Just waiting for the Internationals to be over with (go Zlatan!) so we can get back to tearing up the regular leagues.

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hi Toots, I have looked in now and again.Enough to know that Kevin Na is your man for the USPGA. Did you back him singly? or just in the Double with Dredge? What prices was Dredge?
    Na was top priced 150/1. Im on Stricker E/W myself and alay of Woods.


  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I look like an show off now!! in the time it took to post the previous comment (whilst eating) Steve Stricker has found 2 shots to lead Kevin Na!!


  5. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Good luck tomorrow with Kevin,Toots.I guess it will come down to the best putter on the day and let's hope Kev is hot!


  6. Cheers, Derek.

    Usually folds under pressure doesn't he John!
