Thursday, September 03, 2009

Thursday 3rd September

“Part-Time Fund” (£9750 – 250 inplay)

I spent yesterday thinking about what the key difference between being part-time and full-time was as Anne hadn't noticed any difference! Well, obviously I should actually be spending some of my time making an income outside betting. But apart from that the key difference will be turnover.

As a full-time gambler I worked to a target-profit, based on an assumed ROI, typically requiring me to turn my bank over ten times a season at 10% profit. I actually failed to get close to my turnover targets the last two years, but it will be a relief all the same not to worry about turnover any more.
(I wish I'd properly thought that through before letting that Guccione bet run!)

Obviously that will mean fewer bets as well. So instead of a bet today here's a poem!

Be Careful Who You Sit Down With

Here's a gambling tip for free:
If Betfair is the biggest price,
And it seems too good to be true,
Before you wade in, you'd better think twice
Because someone knows more than you.


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