Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Weekend Football - and £500 Challenge

Three matches for me this weekend.

Bolton to beat Newcastle at 6/4

Preston to beat Norwich at 6/5

Both of the above are bets based on my ratings. I can see why the compilers have decided to significantly downgrade both Bolton and Preston over the summer. Indeed I've backed Bolton for relegation myself! Still, all that is supposition and the ratings are based on performance. This sort of discrepancy will continue until the 6 match form kicks in for the

Aston Villa to beat Liverpool at 3/1+

This is ratings based too, but also fits with my own estimation of changing fortunes. I think Villa will continue to grow this season and are my idea of the best team without the big 4 (along with Blackburn). Liverpool remain over-rated for me, and unless Torres is the striker they've been missing all these years, they'll continue to underperform.

I like this price so much I'll also play in the £500 challenge.

£500 Challenge
Aston Villa £5 win at 3/1+
Aston Villa £10 win at Evens and better +0.5 on the Asians.

1 comment:

  1. terrible start to season for me and the ratings. Hope it's not a harbinger of things to come.
