Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Gambler's Lot

Here's a poem ("what I wrote")!

A Gambler's Lot

Somewhere between the ticket and the call
Somewhere between the hubris and the fall
Somewhere between the luckless and the skill
Somewhere between the mercy and the kill
Somewhere between the roll-up and the late non-runner
Somewhere between the winter chill and the endless summer
Somewhere between the victory parade and the empty box
Somewhere between the whirlpool and the rocks
Somewhere between the backer and the layer
Somewhere between the trader and the player
Somewhere between the closer and the lone speed
Somewhere between the fear and the greed
Somewhere between the surfer and the deepness of the sea
Somewhere between the agony and the best of me
Somewhere between the photo finish and the print
Somewhere between the high roller and the skint
Somewhere between getting even and getting the odds
Somewhere between the atheists and the gods
Somewhere between the final corner and the skid
Somewhere between I could have done and did.

(Told you it was slow day!)

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