Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday 15th February

2009 Challenge Fund (£9805 - £425 in play accounted)

This month's stake - £100

Three winning weeks in a row – I'd forgotten what that was like.

My tissue has Notre Pere in at 3/1 this afternoon. Happy to play £100 at 7/2 in what looks a virtual match.

War of Attrition
is being talked of as a potential runner in the National as well, so I'll start backing him now £20 at 40/1.

I'm off walking in the Lakes – back Thursday.

Barking Bets (Banked £1375/Current bank £2500 – 1 bet in play unaccounted)
This week's stake - £250.

60 odd minutes in to the rugby yesterday and I felt England were very likely to come back and win. Wales were still 1.3 at the time and to be honest I was grateful to be able to get out at the same price as I got in. Grateful until full-time that is!


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