Saturday, March 01, 2008

Saturday 1st March

Boo watch: Well, he made the cut. Come on Boo, charging day.

I'm going to be very cautious today – these pre festival weekends are always bad for me, and I've felt like a loser all week, not the vibes for aggressive punting.

Newbury 2:40

Royal Auclair 9/2

Briery Fox 5/1

Tana River 9/1

I really like these veteran races – just not for punting! One of them is going to roll back the years – not sure who though. Of my shortlist Royal Auclair hasn't been finishing his races, Briery Fox has had enough chances, the stableform is a worry and he's anchored by Bradburne (that aside he's the one with form on a very nice mark) and Tana River will set it up for the rest probably.

Newbury 3:15

Maljimar 7/2

Natal 4/1

Nevertika 9/2

Milan Deux Mille 7/1

Nacarat 11/1

The sort of race I used to specialise in. The market's different these days and the juice has long gone. Ante post would have been the way in, but there was no action all week. I hope Nevertika wins.

Doncaster 3:30

Mr Pointment 9/4

Cloudy Lane 3/1

Ungaro 4/1

Gidam Gidam 9/1

One to watch. Particularly interested in how well Cloudy Lane finishes as I still remain to be convinced by his stamina.

Doncaster 4:40

Haringay 5/2

In Accord 5/2

Top Cloud 3/1

Haringay is 0-9 and we've been attcking her all season. In Accord is 0-8. Step forward Top Cloud. I'll admit I know little of the horse, but it's him or lay the front two.

Kempton 4:00

Classic Fiddle 4/5

Does have a worrying tendency to run down her fences, but has a winning profile, is up againt very disappointing horses, whom Henderson has good formlines on. Looks about as good a bet as I'll find today, even if the price is uninspiring.

I'll try to get rich on Nevertika, Briery Fox, Top Cloud and Classic Fiddle but won't be playing them all singly.

£500 Challenge

Classic Fiddle £20 at 5/6 or better


  1. Told you it would be grim. Classic Fiddle was a terrible bet for which I can only apologise.

    I had two in-running disasters as well - one due to being on RUK instead of Channel 4 and having too slow a feed to get out on Briery Fox, and the other due to an unexpected visitor halfway through a race.

    At least Blackburn won - and that sounds mighty lucky. I don't feel lucky right now though.

  2. Anonymous11:22 PM

    The horse must have the same opinion of Mick Fitz as I do !Jonah
