Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday 22nd September

£500 Challenge Bet” (£1027– 4 bets inplay – accounted)

No bet today.

Barking Bets” (Banked £1075/Current bank £2920)

Review to date:
Football 14/15 119% returns
Tennis 145/172 99% returns
Racing 146/169 106% returns
Overall 338/398 103% returns

The reduction on tennis bets and a concentration on other sports and racing, plus in-running seems to have paid dividends.

So, today's bet naturally is a tennis bet!

Mahut beat Udumchoke £300 at 1.35+

Snippet of the day”
Businessmen drink my wine
Ploughman dig my earth.
None of them along the line
Know what any of it is worth.”


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Pass the coochie Jimi. (Or are you in the realms of Dylan?)

    Either way, it is time to trip the light fandango and turn cartwheels across the floor.

    Anyhoo, I am mostly keeping a keen eye on Hatton and Calzaghe's build up, as I am fancying there may be an upset. Calzaghe - hands again. Hatton - will not get stopped, but he will need to be at his most agile if Paulie is tuned in.

  2. Stuff Hendrix - I prefer XTC's version to his!!

    Is hatton fighting a patsy to get him back in the game - or is this one last pay day?
