Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday 20th March

2009 Challenge Fund (£14710 - £400 in play accounted)
Current stake - £120

Two winners should have been good yesterday, but I bet terribly. Taking a short price about one of the winners cost me a fair deal of profit, and then I forgot to put my hedge on Al Quergo or whatever it was called. So a small profit that should have been £200 more. It's hard enough getting ahead without sloppy mistakes.

I'll play Newbury – nothing exciting unless I go through the card with All About Trigger, Fistral Beach, Oh Braga, Monn Royal, Dantes Storm and Secret Tune, and let's face it I'd do well to get past the first leg.

Draws for the weekend.
Sheff Weds/Swansea
3 x £45 draws and 1 x £15 draw treble.

Ratings matches are thin on the ground. Will form up tomorrow.
For the Football accumulator:
£40 win fourfold at around 30/1

Barking Bets (Banked £1375/Current fund £2330 – 1 bet in play unaccounted)
Current stake - £230.

No obvious bet today.

1 comment:

  1. I was so cross with my betting today that I dragged the dog out before the last. I calmed down in the sun, and planned a way not to fritter next week, then came back to find Secret Tune had recovered all the money. A happy ending, but a proper lesson, hopefully learnt.
